About Scott: An Experienced New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyer
Your freedom and rights are too important to entrust to a complacent or inexperienced attorney. Scott A. Gorman possesses the experience, the academic and professional credentials, and the drive to ensure that you obtain the best possible outcome whether he represents you in connection with a DWI/DUI, drug offense, violent crime, sex crime, domestic violence charge, DYFS matter, juvenile offense or any other criminal charge.
Scott has represented hundreds of clients in municipal, superior, appellate, and federal courts throughout New Jersey. As a dedicated Essex County criminal lawyer, Scott makes it clear from the outset that he is willing to work tirelessly, raise creative and effective arguments, and take your case to trial so as to give you or your loved the best chance of avoiding a damaging conviction. His willingness to try cases and take a no-holds-barred approach to your representation ensures that you will receive the best possible outcome because prosecutors and adversaries alike understand that the most effective criminal defense attorney is the one who knows his client as well as he knows the law and is not afraid to go to trial. We help clients in Morristown, Essex County and more throughout New Jersey.